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Syllabus and Pattern of CLAT

Syllabus and Pattern of CLAT

Common Law Admission test or commonly known as CLAT is a law entrance examination conducted by 14 National Law Universities on a rotation basis.

The syllabus of CLAT which consists majorly of 5 sections like Quantitative aptitude (Maths ), Verbal ability (English ), Logical Reasoning, Current affairs and legal aptitude, is designed in such a way that students of all streams (Science, Humanities, Commerce ) can take CLAT. The only thing required is zeal and passion to make a career in law.

CLAT 2021 exam pattern

CLAT 2021 exam pattern has been released by the Consortium of National Law Universities (NLUs) on the official website of the exam. The CLAT exam pattern is an important guide for candidates preparing for the law entrance exam. Through CLAT exam pattern 2021, candidates can exactly know the type and number of questions of questions asked in the exam. Last year, the CLAT Consortium had announced major changes in the pattern of the exam. The Consortium had introduced comprehension-based questions in the paper. Also, the number of questions in the CLAT UG paper was reduced from 200 to 150. Apart from this, the exam was held in online mode as a computer-based test (CBT). This year, the Consortium will follow the same CLAT test pattern as last year except that the paper will be held in offline mode as a pen-and-paper based test (PBT). CLAT is conducted for law admissions to 22 NLUs as well as other colleges accepting CLAT scores in India. Candidates can also request to get previous year CLAT question papers while filling up the application form.


Expected Number of questions (CLAT 2020)



Legal Reasoning


GK & Current Affairs


Logical Reasoning

30 (80% Verbal / 20% Non-Verbal Reasoning)

Quantitative Techniques

15 (DI based Questions)

Total Marks


Negative Marks

0.25 marks for each wrong answer.

Total Time

120 minutes

If you look at the official syllabus issued by CLAT Consortium it expressly states that the UG-CLAT 2021 would focus on evaluating the comprehension and reasoning skills and abilities of candidates. Further it adds that, it is designed to be a test of aptitude and skills that are necessary for a legal education rather than prior knowledge, though prior knowledge occasionally may be useful to respond to questions in the Current Affairs section. However if you analyze the Question Paper of CLAT 2020, you will not find that to be the case, prior knowledge was not only occasionally helpful but it was generally very helpful.
Let’s dive into a detail assessment of each sections in CLAT UG Entrance Exam

English Language

In this section of the UG-CLAT 2021, you will be provided passages of about 450 words each. These passages will be derived from contemporary or historically significant fiction and non-fiction writing, and would be of a standard that a 12th standard student may be able to read in about 5-7 minutes.
Each passage will be followed by a series of questions that will require you to demonstrate your comprehension and language skills, including your abilities to:

Current Affairs Including General Knowledge

In this section, you will be provided passages of up to 450 words each. The passages will be derived from news, journalistic sources and other non-fiction writing. The questions may include an examination of legal information or knowledge discussed in or related to the passage, but would not require any additional knowledge of the law beyond the passage.
Each passage will be followed by a series of questions that will require you to demonstrate your awareness of various aspects of current affairs and general knowledge, including:

Legal Reasoning

In this section, you will be expected to read passages of around 450 words each. The passages may relate to fact situations or scenarios involving legal matters, public policy questions or moral philosophical enquiries. You will not require any prior knowledge of law. You will benefit from a general awareness of contemporary legal and moral issues to better apply general principles or propositions to the given fact scenarios.
Each passage would be followed by a series of questions that will require you to:

Logical Reasoning

The Logical Reasoning section of the UG-CLAT 2021 will include a series of short passages of about 300 words each. Each passage will be followed by one or more questions that will require you to:

Quantitative Techniques

The Quantitative Techniques section of the UG-CLAT 2021 will include short sets of facts or propositions, graphs, or other textual, pictorial or diagrammatic representations of numerical information, followed by a series of questions. You will be required to derive information from such passages, graphs, or other representations, and apply mathematical operations on such information.
The questions will require you to:

How to Prepare for the UG-CLAT 2021

The Consortium plans to publish various preparatory materials for the UG-CLAT 2021, including:

The Consortium will also provide candidates who have successfully completed their application to the UG-CLAT 2021 access to a learning platform where you may access the preparatory materials described above, as well as your scores on various exercises and model question papers.
In addition, you should develop your capacity to read and understand bodies of text, ensure you stay abreast of news and current affairs by regularly reading quality newspapers and periodicals, and improve your speed of answering questions on quantitative techniques by practicing with materials provided by us or any other good source for Data Interpretation question.

CLAT 2020 Exam Analysis

To get some idea about the CLAT 2021 Exam Analysis, it is imperative to have a look at the CLAT 2020 Exam Analysis. The difficulty level of CLAT 2020 exam was moderate to tough. The exam was as per the guidelines announced by CLAT Consortium. A majority of candidates have attended most of the questions. The general knowledge section of the exam was a little in-depth but the English as legal reasoning section were fairly moderate, and a students with some prior knowledge could easy score well. The cutoff was around 75. And the top colleges closed on 105.

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